Connected Kerb's Nationwide Smart EV Charging Rollout: A Game-Changer for UK Drivers

Connected Kerb, a leader in the UK's EV charging infrastructure, has unveiled a groundbreaking smart charging feature across its nationwide public network, aimed at making electric vehicle (EV) charging more accessible, affordable, and sustainable. This initiative marks a significant step in leveling the playing field between public and home charging solutions.

Transforming Public EV Charging with Smart Technology

Connected Kerb's smart charging technology allows drivers to schedule their EV charging during off-peak hours. By charging overnight when energy rates are lower and the power supply is greener, drivers can enjoy reduced costs and a lower carbon footprint. This innovative feature is the first of its kind to be made available on a public charging network in the UK.

The rollout will commence this April, with plans to equip over 10,000 charge points with smart charging by 2025. This includes 6,000 existing points and an additional 4,000 slated for installation in 2024. By implementing this technology, Connected Kerb aims to democratize access to cost-effective and eco-friendly charging options, particularly for the 62 percent of drivers who lack home charging capabilities.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

The smart charging option offers a lower overnight tariff of £0.45 per kWh, which is 22.4 percent cheaper than the average rate on the UK's fast charging network. This pricing strategy could save drivers up to £222 annually, translating to about 495 free EV miles—enough to travel from Exeter to Edinburgh. Collectively, the savings could amount to over £1.5 billion by 2030.

Bridging the Gap in Charging Access

Ben Boutcher-West, Chief Digital Officer at Connected Kerb, emphasized the role of public smart charging in creating a fairer and more efficient charging infrastructure. The rollout is seen as essential to accommodating the surge in EV adoption in the UK, where the number of electric vehicles is expected to reach 11 million by 2030.

The government has also shown support for this initiative. Anthony Browne, Minister for Technology and Decarbonisation, highlighted the significance of making affordable charging options available to all, facilitated by government-funded research.

User-Friendly Digital Integration

Connected Kerb's updated mobile app enhances the smart charging experience by allowing users to easily schedule charging sessions, track progress in real-time, and locate available charge points. This digital integration aims to simplify the charging process and encourage optimal charging habits.

Expanding the Network

Following a successful government-backed trial, Connected Kerb is set to expand its network significantly. In partnership with South Tyneside Council, the company will install up to 2,100 new charge points in the North East, contributing to the UK's goal of having 300,000 charge points by 2030.


Connected Kerb's rollout of smart charging technology represents a transformative step towards sustainable and equitable EV charging infrastructure in the UK. By facilitating easier access to affordable and green energy, this initiative not only supports individual cost savings but also contributes to the broader goals of reducing transport emissions and meeting net zero targets. The first areas to benefit from this roll-out include Lincoln, Scarborough, Ryedale, and Sunderland, setting a precedent for future expansions across the country.

Employment Opportunities in the EV Charging Sector

As the EV charging infrastructure expands, significant employment opportunities are emerging within the sector. Connected Kerb's extensive rollout plan alone is poised to create numerous jobs across various roles, from technical positions focused on installation and maintenance of charging stations to software development for managing the smart charging network. Industry forecasts suggest that the EV infrastructure sector will generate over 10,000 new jobs in the UK by 2030 as the demand for skilled professionals in renewable energy technologies continues to rise. These positions not only offer career opportunities in a growing field but also contribute to the development of a sustainable economy geared towards reducing carbon emissions and enhancing green technology capabilities in the UK.

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